Security & Phishing Awareness

In a world where 85% of data breaches involve human error,* who safeguards your team against phishing attacks? SecurePhish, our comprehensive security awareness and phishing training program, empowers your employees to become your strongest defense against cyber threats.

*Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2023

Elevate your phishing defenses with SecurePhish.

Educate and Empower

Access the world’s largest library of security awareness training content, with automated campaigns and scheduled reminders.

Simulate and Prepare

Deploy best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks with thousands of customizable templates.

Analyze and Improve

Gain insights through enterprise-strength reporting, showcasing both training and phishing stats for management review.

Expert Management

Let our team of engineers handle the day-to-day program management, ensuring consistent and effective implementation.

When you choose Secure Data Technologies for your security awareness solution, you’re guaranteed:

Comprehensive security awareness tools in one package

Customized training programs tailored to your organization

Regular simulated phishing campaigns to test and improve readiness

Detailed analytics to demonstrate ROI and track progress

Our expertise goes beyond security and phishing.

Learn more about our comprehensive managed services. 

Latest Insights

  • AI Governance
  • Measuring Success Criteria
  • Training aiding in cybersecurity awareness training
    Cybersecurity Awareness Training Methods

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