Category: Blogs

Customer Success Story: Medical Provider Improves Patient Experience

A prominent medical service provider in the Midwest faced significant IT challenges that jeopardized its operations and posed risks to patient data security and overall organizational performance. Operating from multiple locations, with dozens of users relying on its...

Why Your Company Needs Cloud Collaboration

Hybrid work has become a standard part of everyday life for many people. Companies are now having to consider the downsides and benefits of having a hybrid work life, which can be difficult if they have staff working full time at home, in the office, or doing hybrid...

Finding the Right MSP for your Business Needs

Finding the Right MSP for your Business Needs  We recently shared Nick Griggs's blog about the value a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can bring to your business. An MSP offers proactive monitoring and management of your environment, taking the stress away from...

An Architect’s Thoughts on the Value of Managed Service Providers

An Architect's Thoughts on the Value of Managed Service Providers  In the ever-evolving digital landscape, it can become challenging to keep up with the requirements of a modern network architecture. As more businesses rely on seamless connectivity, they realize...

Navigating the Digital Storm: The Most Impactful Data Breaches in 2023

Navigating the Digital Storm: The Most Impactful Data Breaches in 2023 In recent years, the number of data breaches has been increasing year over year. It doesn’t seem like the size, shape, or sector of the companies that get hit matters, and this trend doesn’t seem...

What Your Company Needs To Know About Pen Testing

When companies think about hacking, they imagine shadowy figures in dark hoodies breaking into their systems, wreaking havoc, and selling sensitive information on the Dark Web. Or they think of cyberterrorism committed by hackers that represent enemy nation-states,...

Why Your Company Needs a vCISO

Companies need security expertise and leadership now more than ever before. Cyberattacks are increasing in sophistication and frequency, and every type of company is a target. This threat escalation, combined with a growing cybersecurity skills gap is making many...

Fishing Vs Phishing: 8 Tips for Spotting a Phishing Email

For many of us, learning to fish was an absolute must when we were young. Baiting your hook, running your lines, and of course, taking the fish off the hook. It was all innocent and fun. But now there's a new form of phishing that isn't so nice and we think it’s...